Speech Day and Prize Giving

We were really pleased to be able to hold Speech Day and Prize Giving at St Peter and St Paul's Church, once again, despite restricted numbers. Forms 5 and 6 attended in person, while the whole service was live-streamed back to School.

We were delighted to welcome back former pupil and West End star, Kirsty Hoiles, as our Special Guest for the occasion. You may be aware that Kirsty has most recently been playing Tanya in Mamma Mia, in the West End. Last year she sent a pre-recorded message for our Virtual Prize Giving, but this year we were thrilled that she was able to join us in person, and we were treated to her singing 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' from The Wizard of Oz. Kirsty is certainly an inspiration to any aspiring young actors.

Amongst the prizewinners, we would especially like to mention Phoebe (Form 6), for being the first recipient of the Tonbridge Lions Community Cup for her fantastic fundraising efforts for Dementia Care, and George (Form 1), who was awarded the Values Trophy for being such a fantastic ambassador for the Hilden Oaks Values.

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Sarah Earl