Creative Curriculum Time

To celebrate the end of 'Book Week' last Friday, we held a CCT (Creative Curriculum Time) day centred around the wordless book 'Flotsam' by David Wiesner. The children participated in various activities, including creating under-the-sea models, exploring tangrams, and taking magnified photos. They learned about the history of photography, made cyanotype prints, and built junk box cameras. Pupils composed songs inspired by Flotsam, debated lost property dilemmas, and created digital illustrations. In science, they designed canvas bags to raise awareness of plastic pollution, and in English, wrote creative pieces based on the book. The day also included learning about the Montgolfier brothers in French, exploring fractals in maths, as well as work on body percussion and ocean-themed yoga. Wow - what a fun filled, educational day we all shared!

Sarah Earl